วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

NPI/First Article Phase

NPI/First Article Phase

     What’s NPI : NPI is New Product Introduction , If you are a manufacturing or NPI engineer you are a very  important person in your company because NPI / First Article phase run is a very huge consequence to all concern manufacturing process because it has about design for manufacturing you can see the result or your hardness manufacturing in the coming future at the end of NPI phase.

    Purpose of NPI phase : NPI phase is about pilot run or First lot run at the small quantity of product for check the tool design , all process qualification, normally NPI phase run is requirement from every customer , engineer have to provide First Articles Report (FA Report) to customer that enclose the special requirement or test result that customer requested.
     What’s SMT NPI concern about ? : NPI need many preparation as below step

1.) Get the concern documents and software need from customer, list as below

1.1) PCB Gerber , Drawing , CAD file 
1.2) X-Y Data for SMD placement
1.3) Special specification for some component or manufacturing method (Different from IPC, JDEC)
1.4) BOM (Bill Of Material)
1.5) ICT, FCT Software
1.6) Assembly Drawing 
1.7) Etc.

2.) Create DFM (Design For Manufacturing)
NPI Engineer have to study all concern documents and customer requirement and then digest to be the DFM , for the example as below

2.1) PCB panel design , tab design ? single board run or many board run ?
2.2) PCB pad / foot print design is match with the component or not ? if not, engineer should propose the better one to customer.
2.3) If have cut trace / circuit in PCB we can propose customer to add cut trace , delete that trace from gerber file to avoid the manual cut trace (Manual Cut Trace come with the big occurance of error, missing, wrong, over cut trace points)
2.4) Is the PCB size and thickness is compatible with Machine spec ?
2.5) Is the fiducial marks quantity enough for run ?
2.6) Is the De-panel for Panel Design should be Perforate / Break-away or V-Scoring / V-Cut

3.) Design Tool for each process as list ...
- Stencil
- Reflow  pallet if need to use
- AOI , AXI pallet

4.) Create or Request SMT Placement program, AOI inspection program, AXI inspection program

5.) Co-operate with team for do FMEA
To find out the risk of failure mode to prevent the problem. 

6.) Plan with Planner and Program Management team for identify pilot run

7.) Pilot run

8.) Create the NPI report to show the defects or problem found and all solutions need before transfer to mass production run.

9.) Follow up the remain problems or action until it closed even if it has been long till mass production , it still be the NPI engineer responsible.

10.) Closed.

